Saturday, December 1, 2012

All Natural Homemade Sugar Scrub Gift

Image from Jac o'lyn Murphy
I came across this wonderful recipe the other day for a peppermint sugar scrub.  It uses natural ingredients (which is a nice change of pace from the ingredients commonly found in bath and beauty products) and it makes a great gift or a treat for yourself.  The original website can be found here, but I've added some changes and detail to the original recipe because the olive oil tends to settle.

The following ingredients are needed:

Coconut oil (it's starting to show up in everyday grocery stores at a reasonable price)
Light-colored olive oil
Essential oils(can be found at craft stores like Michaels.  Use a 50% off coupon that they provide   each week and it will only cost around $2 per bottle!)
Mason Jars
Red food coloring liquid or gel should be fine.  If you're using liquid, add the olive oil after the food coloring to the red batch so that you can reach the desired consistency. 

For a one-pint jar, use the following as a guide:
First, melt two tablespoons of coconut oil until it is liquid.  Wait for it to cool to room temperature and add two cups of sugar before the coconut oil becomes solid.  Next add 2-3 drops of essential oil and five tablespoons of olive oil.  Stir, and divide into two bowls.  To one bowl, add drops of food coloring while stirring until desired consistency is reached.  Finally, start pouring the mixture into layers in your mason jar. 

This scrub smells great, exfoliates well, and makes a great gift.  The best part, however, is the fact that it uses natural, simple ingredients without the chemicals and toxins found in most beauty products. 

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